Monday, August 10, 2009

Obama Shelves Immigration Reform Until 2010. Maybe.

Mexico's President Felipe Calderon, left, and his Public Safety Secretary Genaro Garcia Luna hand a plaque to a a federal police officer during a ceremony at the Federal Police headquarters in Mexico City, Friday, Aug. 7, 2009.

Illegal immigrants expecting President Barack Obama to tackle Immigration Reform will have to wait in line until he overhauls the Health Sector and regularises the financial slump that has destabalised the American economy.

"I've got a lot on my plate and it's very important for us to sequence these big initiatives so they don't crash at the same time," he said.

The president made the announcement in Guadalajara, Mexico, when he addressed the North American Summit, earlier today. He said while immigration reform was important other priorities such as his health care overhaul and financial regulation would be tackled first.

Not a welcome decision for millions of immigrants who had rallied around Obama while on the hustings.With his popularity slipping away, the decision to shelve immigration talks until 2010, will seem like a heated slap in the face for the expectant illegals. And that too is not certain, especially, with the negative wave rising up against his plan to revamp health care. But what about the financial sector? Who is to say the president's plan could pull it back on track by 2010, a mere four months away.


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